Mass Effect Andromeda Initiative Trailer

By AJ Hanson on 29/04/2024 21:52 UTC

A week before N7 Day (November 7th, for the uninitiated) EA and Bioware have released a new cinematic trailer for the upcoming third person RPG Mass Effect: Andromeda. 

"Join the Andromeda Initiative today!" the video description reads. "The time has come to prepare for a future beyond the Milky Way. Be among the trailblazers to join the Andromeda Initiative and chart a course for humanity to explore an unknown galaxy. Sign-up now! Orientation begins November 7, 2016." the description continues. 

You can view the video below and catch more information as we get it on November 7th. 

Mass Effect: Andromeda releases in Spring 2017 on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and PS4 Pro.