Summer Games Done Quick Is Back To Emasculate You

By Alex Bullock on 29/04/2024 21:51 UTC

Charity speedrun marathon Summer Games Done Quick is live, and ready to destroy everything you ever loved.

The bi-annual event brings together the world's finest speedrunners - using skill and glitches to beat games as quickly as possible - with the goal of raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Last year's stream managed $720k in donations alone, with sponsors pushing the total well over the $1m mark.

Prizes ranging from retro games to homemade merch are on offer to encourage donations, and developers frequently drop in with Skype calls to watch the competitors blitz through their games. The schedule runs the whole gamut of consoles and PC with themed blocks for popular franchises, guaranteeing that they'll break something you hold dear. As of writing, the universally beloved Sonic Boom is up next.

You can watch and donate on the SGDQ website or subscribe on Twitch, where 100% of the proceeds go straight to charity. If you want a little more bang for your buck, The Yetee and Humble Bundle are hosting special T-shirts and store deals respectively.