Instant Hero, Instant Success.

By Ron Lever on 29/04/2024 21:51 UTC

In London, the indie developer Instant Games announced proudly that their game Instant Hero was a big hit. And has been downloaded at least 10 times by various members of the team’s family.

The game is a Peggle meets Zelda style RPG and has two playable characters: Brian the Barbarian and Ethel the Valkyrie. While playing the characters you have to make amends for accidently killing Dave the shepherd’s sheep. Well how do you do this? Of course you launch yourself and hope that you will level up or else you die, and if you manage to beat the level, a boss fight is waiting for you at the end.

The spokesperson for Instant Games even stated that they had something special with the team that they had put together for the game. With seeing how excited his own father was with the game he hopes that everyone else will embrace the game as warmly.

Instant Hero is available to download for free now on the App Store. It features removable ads and just one in-app purchase to do so.